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What does fuel-efficient driving achieve?

Driving efficiently is one of the best ways you can cut back on car running costs 

What does eco-safe driving achieve?

When it comes to saving money on running costs, efficient or ‘eco-safe’ driving is one of the best ways to make savings.

Eco-safe driving allows you to achieve a better miles per gallon (MPG) figure and save fuel while on the go. If you make the effort to drive economically, you might be able to cut down your fuel bill and save some money.

It’s also kinder to the environment to drive efficiently, as the amount of exhaust emissions will be reduced.

How to drive efficiently

There are a few ways you can improve your fuel efficiency while driving, but you should first consider your vehicle and what you have stored in it.

Large cars like chunky MPVs and SUVs use more fuel to get moving, as they weigh more and don’t always have the most aerodynamic of design. If you’re serious about improving your eco-safe driving, you might want to consider the type of car you choose when it comes to getting a new model. Can you get away with something smaller? If so, this might be the best choice for efficiency.

Reducing your load is another way to cut back on fuel costs. Extra weight from lots of luggage, a roof box or cycle rack, or even towing a large load like a caravan are all things that will contribute towards extra fuel consumption.

Car maintenance is also important for eco-safe driving. If your tyres are underinflated or worn, then it’s likely you’ll use more fuel.

The way you drive is probably the most effective way to reduce fuel consumption. Options like cruise control are better for your MPG, as well as choosing the most appropriate gear.

There are plenty of ways you can improve your eco driving habits:

Tips for eco safe driving

  1. Be careful on the brakes – braking gently and allowing lots of time to come to a safe stop can help conserve fuel

  2. … and the accelerator – harsh acceleration and going for high speeds will use more fuel

  3. Use the highest gear you can – try to use the highest gear that’s appropriate and safe for the situation without having a negative impact on your engine

  4. Think inside the car as well – features like air conditioning and heating can use more fuel, so only use these when really needed if you’re trying to save fuel

  5. Plan ahead – choosing a route with the least amount of traffic will help you to avoid stopping and starting so you can stay in a high gear

Cars for efficient driving

There are plenty of efficient cars on the market, depending on exactly what you want from your vehicle.

If you want to move away from fuel, either completely or just by cutting down, consider an electric or hybrid vehicle. This way, you’ll have the support of an electric motor and battery rather than relying solely on fuel.

If you want to cut back on fuel but still fancy something sporty, some Audi TT models can achieve up to 42.2mpg depending on the model you choose. The Mazda MX-5 is another great option for something fun, offering up to 44.8mpg.

For an SUV, a diesel Peugeot 5008 can achieve up to 60.8mpg, while the Skoda Kamiq can offer up to 56.5mpg in its diesel models.

If you’re open to the idea of a hybrid, the plug-in hybrid Toyota RAV4 can achieve up to 282.5mpg and around 46 miles of electric-only driving.

Learn more about efficient cars: